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Theatre Junior Seminar

For thesis level research


Advanced tip: to limit to publications cataloged containing theatre content, add jsu.Exact("Theater") to your search as in jsu.Exact("Theater") AND "social class"

For reviews: go to Advanced Search, in the Document Type box, check the box for Review


For reviews: go to Advanced Search, in the Document Type box, check the box for Review

For specific locations: go to Advanced Search, in the Place of Publication choose checkbox for your location


For reviews: go to Advanced Search, in the Document Type box, type in review and select the box(es) for the type of review you are interested in. This database provides more specific categories than other databases - such as 'theater review', 'circus review' and "radio program review"

The Reed College Library offers all Reed students, faculty, and staff free online access to the New York Times. To activate your access, you need to create an account using your Reed email address. See activation instructions.