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Comparative Race and Ethnicity Studies (CRES)

CRES combines focused study in anthropology, dance, history, music, sociology, or theatre with comparative interdivisional work on race and ethnicity.

CRES Key Scholars and Thinkers

CRES Key Scholars (Course specific )

  • J.M. Watanabe
  • Gayatri Spivak
  • Ngugi wa Thiong'o
  • B.R. Ambedkar
  • Francis Nyamnjoh
  • M. Rivers-Moore
  • Clapperton Mavhunga (2014) Transient Workspaces: Technologies of Everyday Innovation in Zimbabwe. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Oliver Cox
  • Demtrio Cojti
  • Ilona Katzew

CRES Key Scholarship

Ethnic Studies Journals