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Reference Tools

Find the right reference tool to help get you started with your research!

Reference Tools

Starting your research? This guide is a compilation of reference materials and online resources to help you get started. Consider the following steps as a way to begin.


  • Ask the subject librarian for the topic you're studying. The subject librarians are experts in helping you narrow your topic, brainstorm your research question, and find resources to cite.


  • Use the subject resource guides prepared by subject librarians. The research guides for each subject include discipline-specific information on how to find books, articles, and more, including some of the reference materials listed in this guide. 


  • Select a general purpose or multidisciplinary tool from the list below. These resources are good generic tools for beginning your research or exploring your interests. 

Credo Reference

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford Language Dictionaries Online

Oxford Reference Online


Still haven't found what you need? Choose a category from the following list or scroll through the guide for content-specific reference tools.