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Thesis Help 2023-24

Thesis Submission Steps

These steps are REQUIRED. Please note that current dates listed are for 2024 summer extensions.

  1. Prepare your files for submission
  2. Upload your documents (before 3pm on Tuesday, September 3). This is BEFORE orals.
  3. Complete orals and make corrections
  4. Upload corrected/final documents (before noon on Tuesday, September 17). This is AFTER orals.


Prepare your thesis for submission

  1. You need your thesis adviser's approval to submit your thesis. A PDF or screenshot of their approval from a Reed email address is sufficient. You're required to upload this with your thesis.
  2. Make sure your thesis conforms to formatting requirements before you submit it.
  3. If you  have supporting files (this is rare) create a zip file of any supplemental files you would like to include. Supplemental files are optional and will be added to Reed Digital Collections. If you choose not to add your thesis to Reed Digital Collections, we will not retain supplemental files.

Upload your documents

  1. No later than 3pm on Tuesday, September 3, upload PDFs of your adviser approval and a correctly formatted PDF of your final thesis to the Reed College Thesis Submission System.
  2. Registrar staff will notify you and your thesis adviser via email when they have confirmed receiving the thesis.
  3. After confirmation from Registrar staff, send copies of your thesis to each member of the orals board at least 48 hours before your exam.

Complete orals and make corrections

  1. Complete your oral exam.
  2. Library staff review the thesis PDF that you submitted to ensure it meets Reed College formatting requirements. You will receive an email in the week that follows whether your thesis passes formatting check or if changes are required. You might receive this email before or after your oral exam. The library does not check citations, bibliographies, or content.
  3. Make corrections required by your orals board.
  4. Make formatting corrections required by the Library.

Upload corrected documents (before Tuesday, September 17)

  1. No later than noon on Tuesday, September 17, upload your corrected thesis through the Reed College Thesis Submission System.
  2. The Library will confirm that the thesis meets formatting requirements and will notify you via email if your thesis has been approved or if further changes are required. We need time to do this review and finish before noon, so please do not wait until the last minute to upload your corrections.
  3. If further changes are required, make the corrections ASAP and resubmit your corrected PDF. Leave enough time for Library staff to review the corrections.
  4. You and your thesis adviser will get an email from the Library when your thesis has been accepted.
  5. Congratulations! You're done!
  6. The library will coordinate and cover the cost of printing and binding of the two required library copies.
  7. For personal copies, contact Printing Services
Your thesis is not finished until formatting passes approval. Failure to submit your thesis and make corrections by the required date may result in a failed project.