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Encyclopedias, Guides, Handbooks and Bibliographies

Encyclopedia of German Literature

Ref PT41 .E63 2000
Essays by German literary scholars in Anglo-American countries, thus presenting a critical perspective on German literature from the outside. Essays are on authors, works, and topics. A bibliography follows each entry.

The Feminist Encyclopedia of German Literature
PT41 .F46 1997
Brief essays on feminist scholarship on German literary and cultural studies. Essays are not limited to women writers, but include topics such as literary periods, critical theories, female stereotypes, and major authors and their works.

Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexikon
Ref PN44. K55 1988
A major encyclopedic work covering world literature. Articles include biographical information, summaries of works and bibliographies for further research.

Hauptwerke der Deutschen Literatur : Einzeldarstellungen und Interpretationen
Ref PT41 .H38 1994
Essays on authors and their works arranged by cultural era.

Literaturlexikon : Autoren und Werke Deutscher Sprache, 15 vols.
Ref PT41 .L5 1988
Encyclopedic treatment of German language authors and their works.

Women writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland : an Annotated Bio-bibliographical Guide
PT167 .W66 1989
Articles on 54 women authors from the tenth century to the present. Each article includes a biography, the author’s major themes, a survey of criticism and a bibliography.

A Companion to twentieth-century German Literature
PT401 .C65 1991

Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon : das 20. Jahrhundert : Biographisches-bibliographisches Handbuch
Ref PT401 .D453 2000

Neues Handbuch der Deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur Seit 1945
PT401 .N48 1993
A guide to contemporary German literature and criticism.

Deutsche Dramatiker des 20. Jahrhunderts
Ref PT666 .D465 2000
Extended essays on twentieth century German dramatists.

Reclams Romanlexikon : Deutschsprachige Erzählende Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart
Ref PT744 .R42 2000
History, criticism and plot summaries of German fiction.


Many German language authors are covered in various volumes of the Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB) series. The DLB volumes contain biographical/bibliographical essays for the authors covered. Several titles are listed below; check the Library catalog for a complete listing.

German Writers From the Enlightenment to Sturm und Drang, 1720-1764
Oversize PT293 .G47 1990

German Writers in the Age of Goethe, 1789-1832
Oversize PT311 .G47 1989

Nineteenth-century German Writers, 1841-1900
Oversize PT341 .N56 1993

Nineteenth-century German Writers to 1840
Oversize PT351 .N56 1993

German Fiction Writers, 1885-1913
Oversize PT771 .G47 1988

Contemporary German Fiction Writers. First series.
Oversize PT772 .C59 1988

Contemporary German Fiction Writers. Second series.
Oversize PT772 .C593 1988

German Fiction Writers, 1914-1945
Oversize PT772 .G39 1987