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The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
Ref PN81 .J554 2005
A guide to the intellectual traditions of literary theory. It includes articles on individual critics and theorists, critical and theoretical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods.

Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics
Ref PN1021 .N39 2012 
"Provides surveys of 106 national poetries; descriptions of poetic forms and genres...detailed explanations of the devices of prosody and rhetoric; and overviews of all major schools of poetry ancient and modern, Western and Eastern...provides balanced and comprehensive accounts of the major movements and issues in criticism and literary theory."

Oxford Companion to German Literature
Ref PT41 .G3 1997
Brief articles on authors, terms, literary movements, etc. Includes authors writing in German wherever they live.

Oxford Dictionaries Online-German/English

Language Learning Resources

The Language Lab website has information about tutoring, descriptions of language learning software, and many other resources.

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Looking for inspiration?

Browse the PT section of the library in the Southeast Stacks for German literature books and criticism or try a Browse Search in the library catalog for Library of Congress call number = PT.

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