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In academic writing it is important to cite resources you consult. This guide will overview the process for various types of resources and introduce you to software programs that can help with the process.

Image Citations: MLA Style

Typically, images are not cited in the bibliography. Rather the information necessary to locate an image is included in an image captionWhen formatting image citations in MLA style, follow the guidelines below and reference the MLA handbook (2021):

  • Images should be labeled Figure, abbreviated to Fig., followed by an assigned number,
    and given a caption.
  • Caption details include the artist’s name, the title of the artwork, date, materialsmeasurementsrepository, physical location, source, and credit link.
  • The source of the artwork is where you referenced the image. It could include a book, article, database, or website.

Image Sources


Fig Number. Artist/Creator. Title. Date. Materials. Measurements, Repository/location. Source, Access Date, URL/DOI. Credit Line.


Fig. XI. Alice Neel. Harold Dyker. 1971, oil on canvas, Artists Collection. Reed Digital Collections, 12, April 2017,
Image © Estate of Alice Neel.


Fig Number. Artist/Creator. Title. Date. Materials. Measurements. Repository/location; Title of Book, contributors, publisher, page. Credit Line.


Fig. 4. Frank Duveneck, Portrait of Maggie Wilson, oil on board, 38.10 x 30.48 cm, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas; Unsuspected Genius: the Art and Life of Frank Duveneck, by Robert Neuhaus, Bedford Press, 227. Image in public domain.


Fig Number. Artist/Creator. Title. Date. Materials. Measurements. Repository/location. Access Date, URL/DOI. Credit Line.


Fig. XI. Elizabeth Murray. Terrifying Terrain. 1989-90. oil on shaped canvases. 84 1/2 x 85 x 11 inches. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Web. 12, April 2017, © Estate of Elizabeth Murray.