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History 421: War, Justice, and Society in the United States, 1846-1865

Edited Volumes & Group Zotero Library

This class will be using a shared Zotero library called "Hist 421 Edited Volumes." Zotero is citation management software that you can access online and download onto your computer. 

  1. Visit the Zotero website and create a free online account with your Reed email address.  
  2. You will receive an invitation to this library in the first weeks of class. Follow the instructions in the email to access the group library.
  3. If you already have Zotero downloaded and installled on your computer, make sure you have an online account and are syncing your library.
  4. You may need to look up some of the edited volumes in the library catalog to access them.
  5. Direct URL to the volumes in Zotero:

Getting and Finding Books

In the Library Catalog, you can search books, articles, and more from Reed or via Summit (a group of 39 academic libraries in the Pacific Northwest.) 

Getting the Books you Find

If you need help finding the location of a book in the Reed Library, ask for assistance at the Reference Desk or Circulation Desk. We are here to help! If you prefer finding things on your own, the library map will help.

If you need a book that is already checked out, you can order another copy from Summit (if available) or place a hold on it at the Circulation Desk. If you need it sooner than its due date and it has been on loan for at least two weeks, you may request its recall.

Finding Books beyond Reed and Summit

WorldCat contains over tens of millions records describing items owned by libraries around the world. Includes books, journals, newspapers, primary sources, and practically every other kind of loanable materials. 

To request books from WorldCat libraries, you'll be linked to your Illiad (interlibrary loan) page, where you'll need to use your Reed network login and password to complete your request. Pick up books ordered through Summit or ILL at the Circulation Desk.