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History 421: War, Justice, and Society in the United States, 1846-1865

Citation Basics

You should use Chicago Style for your history research projects.

There are two versions of Chicago-style documentation, one which uses notes and one which uses in-text author-date citations. In history, it is conventional to use the "notes" style (either with footnotes at the bottom of the page or endnotes at the end of the document).

In some editions of the Chicago manual, this system is called "style A" or "documentation one." Historians do not generally use author-date citations ("style B" or "documentation two")

The library supports Zotero as a citation management tool. 

This class will be using a shared Zotero library called "Hist 421 Edited Volumes." 

  1. Download and install Zotero. Be sure to create an online account. 
  2. You will receive an invitation to this library in the first weeks of class.