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State & Non-Profit Assistive Emergency Resource Guide

This guide provides information about State resources for urgent needs such as: Food, Unemployment Insurance, ACA signup, Utility Assistance & Eviction Assistance.

Oregon ACA Health Coverage Marketplace is the (ACA) Affordable Care Act also called Obama Care health insurance marketplace for the state of Oregon. The ACA marketplace is intended to make health insurance more affordable for those with the lowest incomes by subsidizing the cost. Medicaid is extended in Oregon to those who earn up to 138% of the federal poverty level. You can apply online via If you need help, enrollment assistance is free of charge and available Find Local Help.

Open enrollment for 2020 health plans has ended, although Oregon residents with qualifying events can still enroll or make changes to their coverage for 2020. The next open enrollment period, for plans effective in 2021, will begin November 1, 2020.

Qualifying Events in the individual market (on or off-exchange).

If you experience a qualifying event, you have 60 days to select a plan or switch to a different plan (in some cases, the ability to switch from one plan to another is limited during special enrollment periods). In most cases, the coverage will be effective the first of the following month if you enroll by the 15th of the month. But there are different effective date rules for marriage, birth or adoption of a child, and loss of other coverage.
