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Comparative Literature

Testing, testing… Is LibKey on?

What is LibKey?

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that boosts your ability to access full text and PDFs available through the library or other open access alternatives. LibKey Nomad is compatible with several browsers including Chrome, FireFox and Edge.

Follow the steps below to install LibKey Nomad, and go!

  1. Go to: and click on the Download button under the appropriate browser icon.
  2. Install the browser extension.
  3. After installation, LibKey Nomad prompts you to select your subscribing institution.  After that, it simply automatically scans for scholarly content on web sites you visit and adds buttons to help you access full text.

What is LibKey?

Libkey Nomad Browser

What is Browzine

What is BrowZine?

BrowZine is available for UTRGV students, residents, faculty and staff. BrowZine lets you browse, read, save, and monitor journals in your subject areas on your mobile device, laptop, or desktop. BrowZine provides access to many of our licensed journals on your mobile device. You can create a personal bookshelf of favorite journals and save articles to be read later.

See video tutorial: Getting Started with Browzine


Where can I get it?

Web version: Go to

Mobile version: Download it to your iPad, iPhone, or Android device from the App Store, Google Play, or Amazon (Android only). When you open BrowZine for the first time, you’ll see a list of schools – select UT Rio Grande Valley, then enter your UTRGV email address and password when prompted.

Who do I contact if I need help with BrowZine?
If you have questions about BrowZine, please 
contact a librarian.

Libkey Link vs Nomad