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English Literature

Finding Articles

These databases allow you to search the contents of periodicals to identify articles on your topic. If you find a citation for an article that is not linked to full text, check the library catalog to see if Reed subscribes to the journal and if we have the particular issue. If the article you are looking for is not available at Reed, you can request it from Interlibrary loan.

Important Journals

General (not restricted by nationality or period)
a/b: Auto/Biography
Critical Inquiry
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies
MLN (Modern Language Notes)
MLQ (Modern Language Quarterly)
MLR (Modern Language Review)
PMLA (Publications of the Modern Language Association)
The Sewanee Review
SAQ (The South Atlantic Quarterly)
Social Text
Texas Studies in Literature and Language
Theater Journal
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature
Yale Journal of Criticism
The Yale Review

General American (not restricted by period)
African American Review
Amerasia Journal
American Indian Quarterly
American Literary History
American Literature
American Quarterly
Journal of Asian American Studies
MELUS (Multi-Ethnic Literature of the US)

Pre-1900 American Literature
Early American Literature
The Emily Dickinson Journal
The Henry James Review

Twentieth-Century American Literature
Contemporary Literature
Faulkner Journal
Journal of Modern Literature
Modern Drama
Modern Language Studies
Modernism/ Modernity
Twentieth-Century Literature
The Wallace Stevens Journal
The William Carlos Williams Review

General British (not restricted by period)
ELH (English Literary History)
English Studies
SEL (Studies in English Literature)

The British Medieval Period
The Chaucer Review
Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Medieval Studies
Medium Aevum
MP (Modern Philology)
Philological Quarterly
Studies in Philology

The Renaissance and British Seventeenth Century (to the Restoration)

English Literary Renaissance
Milton Quarterly
MP (Modern Philology)
Shakespeare Quarterly
Shakespeare Studies
Shakespeare Survey
Sixteenth Century Journal
Spenser Studies
Studies in the Renaissance

The Restoration and British Eighteenth Century

Eighteenth-Century Fiction
Eighteenth-Century Studies
Restoration and 18th Century Theatre Research
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture

The British Romantic Period (c.1797-c.1820)
The Keats-Shelley Review
Romantic Praxis
Studies in Romanticism
The Wordsworth Circle

The British Victorian Period (c.1820-1900)
Dickens Quarterly
Dickens Studies Annual
ELT (English Literature in Transition)
Nineteenth-Century Fiction
Nineteenth-Century Literature
Victorian Poetry
Victorian Studies

Modern and Contemporary British Literature (1900-present)

Contemporary Literature
ELT (English Literature in Transition)
JJQ (The James Joyce Quarterly)
Journal of Modern Literature
MFS (Modern Fiction Studies)
Modern Drama
Modernism/ Modernity
Twentieth-Century Literature
The Yeats/Eliot Review