Tuttle Concise Chinese Dictionary
This is the most up-to-date Mandarin Chinese Dictionary on the market. Tuttle Concise Chinese Dictionary has both Chinese to English and English to Chinese sections.
Han Ying Ci Dian = A Chinese-English Dictionary
Reference Collection PL1455 .H362 1995
Arranged by Pinyin romanization and sub-arranged by tone. Has three indexes to find entries in the dictionary:
(1) Syllables of Pinyin romanization with range of pages for that syllable. Shows the glyphs for words beginning with that syllable sub-arranged by tone.
(2) Syllables of the Wade romanization with Pinyin equivalent and page.
(3) Radical index.
Zui Xin Shi Yong Han Ying Ci Dian / A New Practical Chinese-English Dictionary
Ref PL1455 .L693 1989
Arranged by radical and stroke number order. Taiwan. Uses Wade-Giles romanization.
ABC Chinese-English Dictionary: Alphabetically Based Computerized
Ref PL1455 .A33 2003
Arranged alphabetically by Pinyin syllable. Shows tonal markings and ideographs along with English definition.
Han Ying Cheng Yu Shou Ce = A Chinese-English Handbook of Idioms
Ref PL1497 .Y52 1987
4000 common Chinese idioms arranged alphabetically by Pinyin syllable and subarranged by tone level.
Read Chinese Signs =Zhong Wen Lu Biao Yu Zhao Pai De Ren Shi
Ref PL1489 .K78 1993
A fun resource with photographs of signs in Chinese arranged by broad topical areas with the Pinyan romanization complete with tonal markings and their English meaning. The unfortunate aspect of the book is that the information is on the back of the page with the photo rather than directly across from the photo.
A Chinese-English Dictionary
Ref PL1455 .G62 1964
This dictionary uses the traditional rather than the simplified ideographs. Has a radical index in the front but arranged alphabetically by Wade-Giles syllable.
Far East English-Chinese Dictionary = Yuan Dong Ying Han Da T'zu Dian
Ref PL1455 .F37 1975
Niujin Gao Jie Ying Han Shuang Jie Ci Dian = Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary
Ref PL1455 .O93 1999
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