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Literary Criticism & Critical Theory


The Oxford Handbook of Classical Chinese Literature

Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
Ref PN81 .J554 2005

Dictionary of Concepts in Literary Criticism and Theory
Ref PN41 .H36 1992
Essays on seventy concepts of special importance to literary theory.

Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literary Theory: Approaches, Scholars, Terms
Ref PN81 .E63 1993

Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism
Ref PN86 .E63 1999
"Guide to literary theory and criticism past and present." Entries cover individuals, theories and concepts in both Western and non-Western theory and criticism. 2 v.

Twentieth-century Literary Movements Dictionary
Ref PN597 .T94 2000
"Entries on major and minor literary movements and schools associated with Twentieth-century world literature." Includes entries on individual writers identified with those movements, such as novelists, poets, dramatists, theorists, etc.

Reference works for Chinese Literature

Historical Dictionary of Modern Chinese Literature - ebook

A Dictionary of Chinese Literature - ebook

Encyclopedia of Chinese Film - ebook

Dictionary of Oriental Literatures
Ref PJ31 .D5 (3 v.)

A Guide to Chinese Literature
Ref PL2271 .I3413 1997

Guide to Chinese Poetry and Drama. 2nd ed.
Ref PL2307 .L5L85 1984

Guide to Chinese Prose, 2nd ed.
Ref PL2264 .P34 1984 
Bibliography of resources on Chinese prose.

The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature
Ref PL2264 .I53 1986 (2 v.)

Modern Chinese Fiction: A Guide to its Study and Appreciation 
Ref PL2442 .Y3 1981

Selective Guide to Chinese Literature, 1900-1949
Ref PL2302 .S45 1987 (4 v.) 
v.1 – The Novel, v.2 – The Short Story, v.3 – The Poem, v.4 – The Drama

Handbooks, Dictionaries, and Encyclopedias

General Literature

A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory
Ref PN41 .C83 1998
"A comprehensive dictionary of literary terms which are in regular use in the world today."

Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English
Ref PN241 .E53 2000 (2 v.)

Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century
Ref PN771 .E5 1999 (4 v. )

A Glossary of Literary Terms
PN41 .A184 2005
Defines and discusses terms, critical theories, and points of view commonly used in the analysis and interpretation of literary works.

New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics
PN1021 .N39 1993
History, theory, technique, and criticism of poetry from earliest period to present. Also available through Literature Online.