Primary sources in psychology are empirical (report research through observable testing), often published in journals, and usually include standardized sections (Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References).
Databases contain an index to journals and articles that you can search to identify articles on your topic. Some databases link to the full text of journal articles. If the full text is not available from the database, check the library Citation Linker to see if Reed has access to the article. If the article you are looking for is not available at Reed, you can request it through interlibrary loan.
A collection of behavioral and social science research, dissertations, and scholarly literature abstracts that offers a broad view of the field of Psychology but is also relevant to related disciplines. Includes some full text.
Pre-prints and grey literature have not been formally published through a peer-review process, but may still report on an empirical study. New research may appear in these spaces before formal publication.
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