Located on the outside of the Zine Library, the Zine Resources Collection are books on zine making, zine scholarship, zine librarianship, zine archiving, as well as bound editions of zines, such as Shotgun Seamtress. Other topic areas are risograph, riot grrrl, punk politics and fanzines.
In-text Citation
MLA: Name the author of the zine and add the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence.
Chicago Style (first mention or in footnote): Author's first name and last name, Title of Zine, volume or issue number, (City of publication, year of publication), page number(s).
APA: Author's Last Name, first initial. (Year of publication). Title of Zine, [Zine] Volume or issue number.
In a List of Works Cited (Bibliography)
MLA: Author's Last Name, First Name, "Title of Zine." [Zine], Volume or issue number. City of publication. Year of publication.
Chicago Style: Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Zine. Zine. Volume or issue number. City of publication: Year of publication.
APA: Name the author of the source (often in a single phrase), the date of publication, and a page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence.
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