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Electronic Resources for Black Studies

The purpose of this research guide is to focus on key Electronic Resources for Black Studies, with an emphasis on African American experience in the United States.

Data Services & Statistics


African American Civil Rights Network

Coordinates and facilitates Federal and non-Federal activities to commemorate, honor and interpret “…the history of the African American Civil Rights movement; the significance of the civil rights movement as a crucial element in the evolution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and the relevance of the African American Civil Rights movement in fostering the spirit of social justice and national reconciliation.“

Civil Rights Data Collection

Data about "key education and civil rights issues" in schools around the country every other year since 1968. Choose a school name, school district, city, street address, or other information to access detailed and specific data on Student Enrollment, Staffing and Finance, and other fields.

Home of the U.S. Government’s open data.

Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade

From the Center for Digital Humanities & Social Sciences at Michigan State University.

Google Datasets Search

Companion to Google Scholar, metadata tags will be indexed by Dataset Search and have input from Google’s Knowledge Graph.

Gov Info, Maps, Data

See "Race and Ethnicity" in Sources of data by subject

GSS Data Explorer

General Social Survey (GSS) on American society, by NORC (formerly the National Opinion Research Center) "an objective non-partisan research institution" at the University of Chicago.

ICPSR Data Archive

Abstracts and data sets in the largest archive of social science data, the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Science Research, part of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan.

Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies

DataBank, Roster of Black Elected Officials, and National Opinion Polls.

Mapping American Social Movements Through the 20th Century

Data visualization of U.S. history, including the NAACP, the American Socialist Party, and the Industrial Workers of the World by the University of Washington

Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America

Maps 1935-1940 by Home Owners' Loan Corp. From Digital Scholarship Lab, U. of Richmond

Mapping Segregation in Washington DC

By PROLOGUE DC's team of Washington based historians.

National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program

Coordinate preservation and education efforts nationwide and integrate local historical places, museums, and interpretive programs associated with the Underground Railroad.

On The Books-Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance 

is a text mining project with the goal of discovering Jim Crow and racially-based legislation signed into law in North Carolina between Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement (1866-1967).

Slave Movement During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Access to the raw data and documentation to analyze variables such as length of voyages, number of slaves, slave deaths en route, etc. [Univ. of Wisconsin]


" portrait of the American population..." partners include Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Penn Wharton Budget Model, and Lynchburg College. (2017)


Bureau of Justice Statistics

Collects, analyzes, publishes, and disseminates information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government.

Sentencing Project: State-by-State Data

Criminal justice data from a variety of sources.

World Inequality Database

Wealth and income inequality data developed by an international academic consortium.

Our World in Data

Meta-database by Oxford University.


Portal to 24 databases from UN Statistics and Population Divisions, UN specialized agencies (International Labour Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization, World Health Organization), and member states (statistics collected by their national statistical agencies).